Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, September 26, 1998
Saturday, September 26, 1998
Message from Our Lady of Sorrows (Sorrowful Mother) given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes as Sorrowful Mother in gray with many swords in Her Heart.
She says: "Praise be Jesus, My Son. My daughter, it is necessary that you understand I do not call My children into My Heart because all is well. Indeed, a great abyss yawns ever wider between Heaven and earth. I have come to call My children into the refuge of My Immaculate Heart to protect them from the dangers all around them. People count only that which costs human life as disaster, and loss of property as tragic. But the Refuge of My Heart keeps you from far greater harm - the loss of your soul."
"Understand, the Eternal Father has predestined My Heart as the ark of these times. How quickly you, My children, would seek it if you saw My Heart as Physical Refuge. But, I have come to invite you to value the spiritual - the soul - salvation. Though you cannot see or touch these things, they are real - eternal - and the only pursuit of lasting value. Do not cast aside My invitation and chase after what you consider secure. Turn to Me, your Mother. I have suffered for love of you. I continue to do so. I extend the embrace of My Heart to each soul. I am blessing you."
Source: ➥